Areas of Research
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While in the SI Bridges program, based on your major and interest, the program staff will work closely with you in helping you decide on a research lab and a suitable SI Bridges mentor.
We have several STEM-based programs on SIU Campus and below is a list of faculty mentors in those programs. You go through their research background to help decide on a research project for yourself.
Biological Sciences Program1) Microbiology2) Plant Biology3) Zoology |
Physical Sciences Program1) Chemistry2) Geology3) Physics |
Agricultural Sciences1) Plant Soil Science and Agricultural Systems2) Forestry3) Animal Science, Food and Nutrition4) Agribusiness Economics |
Geography and Environmental Resources1) Geography and Environmental Resources |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology1) Biochemistry |
Engineering Programs1) Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering2) Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering3) Mechanical, Aerospace and Materials Engineering |
Molecular, Cellular, and Systemic Physiology Programs1) Cancer Biology2) Neuroscience3) Endocrinology4) Reproductive Biology5) Metabolism |
Computer Science ProgramComputer Science |
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences ProgramMath and Statistical Sciences |
Psychological and Behavioral Sciences ProgramsPyschology
Anthropology Programs1) Biological Anthropology2) Archaeology |