Areas of Research

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While in the SI Bridges program, based on your major and interest, the program staff will work closely with you in helping you decide on a research lab and a suitable SI Bridges mentor. 

We have several STEM-based programs on SIU Campus and below is a list of faculty mentors in those programs. You go through their research background to help decide on a research project for yourself. 


Faculty Mentors

Biological Sciences Program

1) Microbiology

2) Plant Biology

3) Zoology

Physical Sciences Program

1) Chemistry

2) Geology

3) Physics

Agricultural Sciences

1) Plant Soil Science and Agricultural Systems

2) Forestry

3) Animal Science, Food and Nutrition

4) Agribusiness Economics

Geography and Environmental Resources

1) Geography and Environmental Resources


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

1) Biochemistry


Engineering Programs

1) Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering

2) Civil, Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering

3) Mechanical, Aerospace and Materials Engineering

Molecular, Cellular, and Systemic Physiology Programs

1) Cancer Biology

2) Neuroscience

3) Endocrinology

4) Reproductive Biology

5) Metabolism

Computer Science Program

Computer Science

Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Program

Math and Statistical Sciences

Psychological and Behavioral Sciences Programs




Anthropology Programs

1) Biological Anthropology

2) Archaeology