2022 SRI Research Presentations
Main Content
Caleb Gentry - Gray Fox Occupancy in Southern Illinois

Jace Moore- Using YOLOv5 to detect distracted drivers

Rebekkah Schemonia - Role of active site loop region in the function of watermelon glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase

Braeden Irby - Using CRISPR to Better Understand Cancer

Emily Duran - The effects of desiccation on callose in food-conducting cells of the moss Polytrichum commune

Hannah Phillips - Comparison of Ionic and Molecular Chemicals to Control Harmful Algal Blooms

Jewel Green - Nestling Feeding Rates Relating to Weather

Kelsee Dodd - American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Colormorphs in the United States and Canada

Taryn Sauerbrunn - Can mtDNA Be Used as a Blood-Based Biomarker for Endometrial Carcinoma?